Why Good Friends Are So Important

Curtie Manuel Smith
3 min readMay 26, 2022


Research has shown that the better the nature of your connections, the almost certain you are to be content. Thus, being an extraordinary companion to somebody and having companions support your back is great for your prosperity. However, what, precisely, makes an old buddy?

Indications of an old buddy
Companions will travel every which way in your life. Regardless of how long your kinships last, the main thing is your companions’ acknowledgment of you for what your identity is. An old buddy strolls the discussion and shows that they care by their activities — of all shapes and sizes.

An old buddy:

is there for you, regardless of anything
doesn’t pass judgment on you
doesn’t put you down or purposely put you in a horrible mood
is caring and conscious to you
is somebody whose organization you appreciate
is steadfast
is reliable and ready to come clean with you, in any event, when it’s difficult so that you might hear
chuckles with you
stays close by when circumstances become difficult
makes you grin
is there to tune in
solaces you when you cry.
Instructions to be an old buddy
In the event that you treat individuals around you in the ways portrayed above, you’re as of now an old buddy to them. In any case, it’s not generally simple to realize that how generally will show up for your companions.

Pay attention to them
Attempt to figure out a circumstance according to your companion’s perspective. Pose inquiries to get a feeling of the issue or issue, yet the primary thing is to pay attention to them. You don’t must have every one of the responses, and don’t accept that your companion needs counsel — they may very well need to talk so they can figure out it for themselves.

Get current realities
In the event that your companion has a clinical or emotional wellness issue, an effective method for offering support is to find out about what they’ve been determined to have. Being keen on the thing they’re going through shows you give it a second thought, and that you intend to keep close by come what may’s going on.

Ask them what they need
To show up for them, ask them what they need. You’ll then, at that point, know what they see as supportive during difficult stretches, and you can offer them support in a manner that is truly useful.

Get physical
On the off chance that you’re a hugger, find out if it’d be OK to embrace them. When you get approval, embrace away! Embracing your companions can be an extraordinary method for showing you care for them. Actual contact can be ameliorating, particularly when somebody feels alone.

Stay in contact
Regardless of whether you live close by, show your companions you’re there for them by really trying to keep in standard touch through online entertainment, texts or calls.

Let them know how you feel
You don’t need to overemphasize it constantly, yet you can have a genuine effect on how somebody is feeling just by telling them that they are mean quite a bit to you. Along these lines, take the plunge!

Settle on a difficult decision
Assuming you think your companion’s security is in danger, you could have to act without their assent and find support. It tends to be an intense call, especially when you’re stressed over how they’ll respond, yet recall that old buddies care to the point of moving forward, and that you’re doing it to safeguard them from hurt.

What could I at any point do now?
Get tips on being a decent audience.
Ask your companions how you might help them.
Find out some solution for a poisonous kinship.
Investigate different subjects
It’s not generally simple to track down the perfect locations to begin. Our ‘What’s at the forefront of your thoughts?’ instrument can assist you with investigating what you want.



Curtie Manuel Smith